Pet Shockwave Therapy
AppointmentShockwave Therapy History
What is shockwave therapy?
Shockwave is a noninvasive, high-energy sound wave treatment commonly used in human and veterinary medicine. It can help patients by relieving pain and speeding healing. The high-energy sound waves (called pulses or shock waves) are capable of traveling through soft tissue at customized depths, reaching specific treatment areas. These pulses utilize higher energy which results in deeper penetration than ultrasounds or even laser therapy. The result is allowing the patient’s own body to increase healing time, improve mobility and relieve pain.
Typically shock wave therapy is used as part of our canine rehabilitation and pain management program.

How does shockwave work?
Shockwave therapy will stimulate the cells and release healing growth factors in the body. The therapy is actually stimulating and allowing the body to do its own healing- pretty cool! It will reduce inflammation and swelling, increase blood flow, and help bones form and heal which enhances wound healing. Many pets begin to see relief in 1-3 treatments. They are typically done every 2-3 weeks. Shockwave therapy non-invasive so it can be is completed on an outpatient basis. A typical treatment lasts anywhere between 3-10 minutes depending on the condition being treated.
Shock wave treatment can help speed the healing of soft tissue injuries, manage chronic pain for 6-12 months, and can improve mobility and performance.
Results may seem to appear immediately, however, it can take time. Shockwave therapy is utilizing the body’s own biological responses for the healing process, which can take time to stimulate and take effect. Dr. Cely does evaluate patients prior to the next treatment to evaluate the healing process and how many sessions are needed.
Shockwave can be beneficial for the following conditions:
• Osteoarthritis
• Joint inflammation or pain
• Back pain
• Bone fractures
• Post-op surgical procedures (example: TPLO)
• Tendon/ligament injuries
• Wound healing/Lick granulomas
• Lumbosacral Disease
• IVDD and Spondylosis
• Medial Shoulder Instability
• Bone Fractures (Delayed/Non-Union)
• Chronic Pain
What is the difference between shockwave therapy and laser therapy?
• Shockwaves create higher energy outputs and can penetrate deeper than a laser. Lasers are mostly beneficial for superficial conditions.